New identity

What you'll need to know v2018.09.24.1507


Brand voice


Brand voice

At its simplest, our brand is the personification of our University. When writing on behalf of the brand, the words should sound less like an institution and more like a human being. Keep it from being too soaring and abstract or too coldly rational. The voice can be high-level inspiring (manifesto) or ground in specifics (brochures)., but always write/speak like a person inspiring another person, and don't sound too corporate. The content of our messages can adapt to different audiences and objectives, but the voice should be consistent. These are its defining characteristics:


UON is in a perpetual state of wonder and discovery. Venturing into the unknown, observing closely and asking lots of questions. And when the answer is found, pursuing the next unknown.


UON has boundless energy and enthusiasm for all it endeavours, from the academic to the entrepreneurial to the communal. Driven by the firm belief that the greatest impact can only be achieved by engaging fully—not just intellectually, but emotionally.


UON isn't defeated by by formidable challenges. Rather it sees them as transformative opportunities. This optimism is relentless and expansive, and say that with the right mindset, any of the world's problems can be solved.

Specific tips

Writing in the voice of the curious, passionate and optimisitic doesn't mean talking in the first person. But it does mean:

  • Speak in active tense.
  • Aim to inspire, not just impress.
  • Be accessilby smart.
  • Start conversations with insights.
  • Distill complexity without dumbing down.
  • Avoid jargon or academic vernacular in favor of a more informal tone.
  • Connet UON to "you"—the audience.
  • Make people feel like they, too, can make a difference.
  • In long copy, use quotes from hero researchers and students as much as possible. Let them tell their stories in their own words.
  • In banner copy, lead with interesting information on why the world needs "NEW".
  • In social media, consider "clickbait" headline styles to engage our target in these channels.

Lastly, a word about "NEW." Treat it primarily as a noun, not an adjective. Think of it as a valuable entity the world needs, and that UON prepares its students to deliver. And use it judiciously so it doesn't lose its impact, sticking mainlyt to headlines, key sentences and calls to action.

Curious Passionate