New web

Web pattern library, style and technical reference


XSL Templates

Degrees XSL

Asset ID Filename Usage
#252637 degree-fast-facts.xsl 'Fast Fact's content in the header of individual degree pages.
#254715 degree-fast-facts-apply.xsl 'Fast Facts' content in the 'How to apply' tab on individual degree pages.
#252761 degree-fast-facts-meta.xsl Transformation of degree metadata values for display within 'Fast Facts' - specifically semester/trimester satrt dates.
#253934 degree-handbook.xsl Full handbook content for individual degree pages.
#261929 degree-metadata.xsl Custom metadata for individual degree pages.

Courses XSL

Asset ID Filename Usage
#298962 course-handbook.xsl Full handbook content for individual course pages.
#291670 course-listing.xsl A-Z course listing.
#300004 course-metadata.xsl Custom metadata for individual course pages.

Scholarships XSL

Asset ID Filename Usage
#339023 scholarship-listing.xsl A-Z scholarships listing.
#339216 scholarship-metadata.xsl Custom metadata for individual scholarships.
#339217 scholarship-handbook.xsl Content for individual scholarships pages.
#366210 scholarship-handbook-standalone.xsl Content for individiual scholarhsip pages that exist outside of the main scholarship section.

Profiles XSL

Asset ID Filename Usage
#361049 researcher-profile.xsl Currently under development For the existing live version of the research profile XSL template please refer to asset #173756