New web

Web pattern library, style and technical reference



UON scripts

Asset ID Filename Usage
#223346 uon-2016.js
#273901 degrees-2016.js
#353293 gsa-2017.js
#376812 landing-2017.js
#412275 home-page-2017.js

Core scripts

'Core' scripts are defined as third party libraries that are utilised by the UON website. These libraries are kept in their original sourced state, in individual files, for ease of management/updating. The individual files are kept within a JS File Folder (#226299) that that merges and serves the muitple libraries out as a single file to reduce HTTP requests. The merged file does not currently have minification applied, however the individual libraries are already minified.

Asset ID Filename Source Version Updated
#226299 Core - JS File Folder
#243732 core/isotope.pkgd.min.js v2.2.0
#226297 core/packery-mode.pkgd.min.js v1.1.3
#226298 core/slideout.min.js v1.0.1
#225120 core/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js v3.2.0
#474105 core/flickity.v2.1.pkgd.min.js v2.1.2 27/08/2018
#392813 core/jquery.history.js
#342743 core/jquery.hoverIntent.js v1.8.1

Internal scripts

These scripts are used to provide additional functionality within the Squiz Admin and Edit interfaces - rather than on the front end of the website.

Asset ID Filename Usage
#329119 readability.js Adds a tool to the Easy Edit interface to allow publishers to check various readability metrics relating to their content.
#329145 approvers.js Adds a tool to the Easy Edit interface to allow publisher to easily access a list of the approvers relevant to the asset they are editing.
#390229 easy-edit-config-2017.js