Web pattern library, style and technical reference
The use of these templates is restricted to specific sections/pages on the UON website, these are not available for general use by the web publishing community.
Full-width carousel, or hero image, at the top of the page with content and components below. Based largely on the overall structure of the current homepage, but with new carousel, refined components to better align with the new template system, performance improvements, and a lifted prominence for the degree/course search.
This template is still in development.
Use of this template is restricted to the main UON Homepage, www.newcastle.edu.au.
Pages requiring this template can only be set up by the web team.
Design customisation | #224828 - UON 2016 - Home |
Full-width carousel, or hero image, at the top of the page with content and components below. 'Oversized' global navigation, overlapping header carousel/image space. 'Feature' content grouped by audience (study/research/etc.), increased presence of contact/location info, redesigned news/events.
This template is still in development.
Use of this template is restricted to the main UON Homepage, www.newcastle.edu.au.
Pages requiring this template can only be set up by the web team.
Design customisation | #224828 - UON 2016 - Home |
Full-width carousel, or hero image, at the top of the page with content and components below.
Use of this template is restricted to the primary/top-level/external facing entry points to the UON website, for example Tier 1 landing pages such as Study, Research and Innovation, and About.
Pages requiring this template can only be set up by the web team.
Design customisation | #268992 - UON 2016 - Landing Page |
#289720 - UON 2016 - Landing Page - With Carousel | |
#382736 - UON 2016 - Landing Page - With Top Menu |
Fixed size carousel, or hero image, at the top of the page, with content and components below.
This template is still in development.
Use of this template is restricted to the secondary entrypoints to the UON website, in cases where the primary audience is internal, or the main focus is not marketing related, for example Current Staff, Current Students, Library, Faculties/Schools.
Pages requiring this template can only be set up by the web team.
Design customisation | #364653 - UON 2016 - Sub Landing Page |
#364693 - UON 2016 - Sub Landing Page - With Carousel |
Full-width hero image (no carousel), at the top of the page, with content and components below.
This template is still in development.
Use of this template is restricted to the tertiary entrypoints to the UON website, for sections that may not be part of the top-level site navigation, but that are considered key entry points for specific audiences or campaigns, for example New Students, STEMM, and CABLE.
Pages requiring this template can only be set up by the web team.
Design customisation | #XX - UON 2016 - XX |